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The evolution of resume writing really hasn’t changed all that much in the last 2 decades. What has changed is how resumes are reviewed and ranked with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). If you’ve been a job seeker wondering why you weren’t selected for a job you were perfectly qualified for, AI resume screening could be the answer.

Most companies are equipped with an applicant tracking system (ATS) that has some level of AI function within it. AI resume screening tools can help identify best qualified candidates and reduce human biases (when programmed effectively). In the era of one-click applications, recruiters are often inundated with unqualified job seekers, and AI can be a functional solution to save on time with shortlisting candidates.

The statistics of how many recruiters are using AI for resume review vary widely by report. According to The Society of for Human Resources Management (SHRM), only 33% are using it to review or screen applicant resumes. According to DemandSage, around 65% of recruiters are utilizing AI tools in their hiring processes, yet at Fortune 500 companies, it’s close to 99% of recruiters.

So first things first in making it to the short list-your resume.  In this article, we talk about how you can optimize your resume for the digital era and get in front of the recruiters and hiring managers for the roles you are applying to. The two biggest factors are:

1. Digital Readiness

2. Content Relevancy

Adding key words to your resume is only the start of how you can ensure your resume isn’t getting overlooked. Another way to make sure your resume gets in the right hands and seen is to network and find someone who can forward your resume to the person handling recruitment for that role. Networking for new position is a topic for another time.

If you want to learn more about  optimizing your resume for the digital era, Click here for BioLink 360’s Resume Writing Guide and be armed for success in your job search. And remember, your resume is often a first impression, make it a good one!

If you are a life sciences professional interested in a conversation about resumes and/or opportunities, contact us to set up a free resume review call.

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